torsdag 18 maj 2017

Intervju med David Le Dantec.

Name: Le Dantec David

Club: Recently affiliated in Pouru Saint Rémy (FR). A good club closed to the French border (less than 1 hour by car from home)

Boule? KTK Inox or DR  690-74

Sponsor? Not this year…I won’t play enough in 2017 to provide a good return on investment to sponsor(s)

What made you start playing pétanque? We were living with my parents closed to Toulouse when I was very young. I started to play petanque and rugby…considering my body I preferred to continue with petanque only ;-)

What do you think about the past year? From a personal point of view I’m quite satisfied about I have been capable to achieve in petanque (3x French championship, 2x world championship + several finales) considering the fact that I don’t think I was so talented at the beginning and I have always put job and family first. I have worked/practiced a lot, also observed a lot the best players and teams to try to progress and be capable at the end to reach the high level. I do think also that I have been very lucky to play against and with most of the great players from the “old” generation and the new generation. 

Best turnament? Millau was for me the best tournament for many years, whereas player I got some of the best moment of happiness in petanque with 2 wins in doublette for instance or some great matches in the park with hundred of people around the lanes…That’s also the tournament where I met Nancy 18 years ago.

David med sin fru Nancy.
Best petanque player? Very difficult question…if you ask just for one name I will say Philippe Quintais.

Best Swedish pétanque player of all time? Hard to say as I only know the players since few years when we played for the first time in Eurocup (with Metz against Coccinelle)…I would say that during the last 3 years, Jessica, Rickard and Joachim have been very stable in performance and results

Best pétanque player in you're country (France)? Currently Henri Lacroix

Best female players of all time? I’m really impressed with Yolanda

Best Nordic team? Swedish national team ;-)

Which pétanque players do you like best to play with? I will give 2 names. Philippe Quintais of course and Stephane Vergoz with who I played for more than 10 years. We got qualifications for the French X2 for 7 years in a row…we reached ½ and twice ¼. Stephane was my best friend…a real regret that we did not win the French X2 together.

Which pétanque player has impressed you the most in 2016? Yolanda Mattaranz

Metz vs Coccinelle i Europacupen 2014.
Your best season and why
The next to come ;-). More seriously I would say 1996 when I was really at my top in term of performance and 2012 when I finally won the French triplette.

Best pétanque memory
My first French championship. It was in 1991 in single. I played in final against Christian Fazzino and my father was my delegue. When I shooted for the win my father was just in the direction and he saw at the same than me that I was hitting the boule…we both jumped at the same time !!!

Your high score in precision shooting?
Too low ;-) to mention it.

Prospective ambitions in petanque?
I have achieved all the objectives, and even more, I had when I started to play at high level. Now the most important for me is the pleasure and make sure I get fun out of petanque, as coach or as player.

Your favourite position in a triplet?
When playing big competition pointer, else milieu.

Your team mates in 2017
No teammates this year as I decided to not participate to any championship.

Your dream team
I would mention two:
  • Quintais, Passo, Simoes
  • Quintais, Lacroix, Suchaud

The idol is?
No real idol, but I would say a lot of respects for Quintais who is for me the most impressive player I played with and also a great partner !

Credentials? (Medals in big turnaments)
  • 2x World champion 1995 and 1996
  • 1x finalist Word champion 1993
  • 2x French single in 1991 and 1992
  • 1x French triplette in 2012
  • 2x finalist French doublette 1989 and 2007
  • 6x French cup
  • 2x Eurocup
  • 44 qualifications for French championships
  • Around 50 wins in French “big” tournaments

David about Joachim
I discovered a great player having a very professional approach of petanque…also a great fighter.

Joachim about David:
David har sedan han vann VM -95 och -96 varit en av de spelarna jag ser upp till. Hans läggteknik är i stort sätt fulländad och sättet han spelade på under den tiden imponerade stort på mig. David håller fortfarande väldigt hög klass på spelet även om han själv är lite blygare i sin framtoning. David var kanon som coach vid banan. Han gav många tipps under VM på Madagaskar som gjorde att laget kunde kriga på och vända matcher. Vi hade diskussioner mellan matcherna om hur vi skulle bli bättre under tävlingen vilket jag tackar för förtroendet du gav mig. Så även under och före VM i Ghent. Hoppas du kommer tillbaka och kan hjälpa Svensk boule framöver. Du tog Sverige från att vara ett gruppspelsnation (sedan Nationscup) till att bli en slutspelsnation. Och under denna korta tid. RESPEKT! Naturligtvis är det upp till spelarna. Men att få rätt vägvisning och och fortsätta detta projekt som påbörjats kommer ge fler resultat med tiden. Tack David! Saknar redan våra diskussioner ;) 

Merci pour l'interview David. A bientôt mon ami! 

Foto: Joachim, KTK Petanque, Lasse Franck, Boulistenaute.

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